Vol. 29 Num. 3 (2009) Danielle Huillet Mathematics for teaching: An anthropological approach and its use in teaching training ABSTRACT 4 Nadine Bednarz ,  Jérôme Proulx Knowing and using mathematics in teaching conceptual and epistemological clarifications ABSTRACT MORE INFORMATION   11 Tim Burgess Statistical knowledge for teaching: Exploring it in the classroom ABSTRACT 18 Aihui Peng ,  Zengru Luo A framework for examining mathematics teacher knowledge as used in error analysis ABSTRACT 22 Helen Chick Choice and use of examples as a window on mathematical knowledge for teaching ABSTRACT 26 Irene Biza ,  Elena Nardi ,  Theodossios Zachariades Teacher beliefs and the didactic contract on visualization ABSTRACT 31 Brent Davis ,  Moshe Renert Mathematics-for-teaching as shared dynamic participation ABSTRACT 37 Jo Towers ,  Lyndon C. Martin The Emergence of a ‘Better' Idea: Preservice Teachers' Growing Understanding of Mathematics for Teaching ABSTRACT 44 Craig Pournara Spreadsheets as a transparent resource for learning the mathematics of annuities ABSTRACT 49 Rina Zazkis ,  Ami Mamolo Sean vs. Cantor: Using mathematical knowledge in ‘experience of disturbance' ABSTRACT 53 - Contributor affiliations and contact information59