Vol. 20 Num. 3 (2000) Chris Bissell ,  Chris Dillon Telling tales: models, stories and meanings3 Carl Winsløw Between Platonism and constructivism: is there a mathematics acquisition device?12 Nigel Price ,  Simon YouÉ The problems of diagnosis and remediation of dyscalculia23 Caroline Lajoie ,  Roberta Mura What's in a name? A learning difficulty in connection with cyclic groups29 Colette Laborde ,  William C. Higginson ,  Cynthia Nicol ,  Bill Barton ,  Alexander Karp The 9th International Congress on Mathematical Education, August 200034 Rina Zazkis Using code-switching as a tool for learning mathematical language38 Elena Nardi Zeros and ones in advanced mathematics: transcending the intimacy of number e44